Important Dates & Deadlines

Claim Filing Deadline: postmarked or submitted online by May 30, 2022
Exclusion Deadline: postmarked by May 23, 2022
Objection Deadline: filed by May 23, 2022
Final Approval Hearing:

August 4, 2022 at 9:30 AM CT

(see instructions below)

Please click on the below hyperlink  to take you to Judge Pallmeyer's telephone conference login. From there, join conference As Guest, Enter your name, Type the digits in the picture, Click on the Call Me option and fill in your phone number and name.  You will receive a call and be connected to the conference line. While participants will have the ability to identify who is speaking, speakers should still identify themselves for the purpose of creating a clear record. Participants should be careful to speak clearly and not to speak over any other participants.  If you do not have access to a computer Dial: TELEPHONE NUMBER.

Click here to join the conference:

If the above link does not work, please call: (877)336-1839 or (636)651-0008, access and security code: 6708061#.